Is Geothermal heating and cooling worth it?
Starting at depths of between 6 and 10 metres, the temperature of the earth is no longer influenced by variations in surface temperature, and stays relatively constant at around 8 to 10 C. So the underlying principle of geothermal heating and cooling is to use that consistent interior earth temperature to balance our wildly varying Canadian surface temperatures.
With the use of heat pumps, geothermal heating and cooling systems extract heat energy and transfer it into buildings, saving you approximately 50 to 60% on heating and cooling costs, depending on the fuel to which you are comparing.
In summer months, geothermal cooling functions in a similar way to standard air conditioning, only heat is not simply ejected into the outside air, but rather deposited deep in the ground for future use. The result is guilt-free air conditioning because you are actually using the heat extracted in summer months to warm the earth deep below, heat which will increase the efficiency of your system in winter months.